About Us

Who We Are

Successfully running a premier agency in the Brampton area, and leading a team of successful and progressive brokers in the insurance and investment industry. Our aim is to serve the Canadians with impeccable advice in the field of: 

  1. Risk Management: Life Insurance, Critical Illness Insurance, Disability, Long Term Care, Health and Group Benefits.
  2. Cash Flow Management: Manulife One Mortgages, Investment Planning, Budgeting and Debt Reduction
  3. Advance Planning: Corporate Tax planning, Buy-Sell Planning, Corporate Insured Retirement Plans, Immediate Financing arrangements.
  4. Investment Planning: Non-Registered Funds, RRSP, RESP, TFSA, RRIF and Annuities.
  5. Estate Planning: Our in-house team of specialists provides A to Z solution in planning, structuring and executing an estate Plan.

Our Vision

  • For our community to recognize us as leading providers of Risk Management and Financial Products with a high level of customer service and satisfaction.
  • In the next 5 to 10 years exceed our targets of exemplary service, proper planning and sound investment strategies. Becoming #1 in the region.
  • Translate individual success to Financial center success by integrating the highly motivated team through skill development, education, training, and succession planning.

Our Mission

Customer Service

  • Providing excellent service to the community by securing the life of individuals; to protect the dependents, family members in case of death, disability and sickness.

Sales Force

  • Always hit the highest chord.
  • Our mission is to train our advisors on product planning, need analysis; financial planning and estate to tailor make best solutions for our clients. Achieving and exceeding sales targets and setting example for others to follow.
  • Our Sales Managers will work with each individual to establish career goals, joint field work, monitoring, compliance, excellent customer service.


Our office will bring unity in diversity. We will provide fair and ethical working environment for everybody to succeed and create their own mark in the career.

The Core management team must follow the principles of Centre:
1. Fairness
2. Ethics
3. Excellence
4. Team work


      Are you planning on canceling any existing life insurance?

      Do you have group life insurance through work?