Term Life Insurance


Term Life Insurance

The term life insurance plans we offer in the least expensive and simplest type of life insurance you can find. Whether you need something immediately or are thinking for the future, term life insurance gives you a variety of opportunities to make sure you’re always covered no matter what you need.

With this kind of life insurance, you need to answer few simple questions. Premiums will vary depending on your age and lifestyle but they are minimally invasive to determine the coverage. Large coverage paramedical and blood profile may require in some cases.

Your insurance term will be good for 5, 10 ,20 ,30 or even 40 years without any kind of medical proof needed. You can also use term life insurance plan as a way to launch into purchasing permanent life insurance. We can help you determine if this is the right option for you by discussing your plans for the future. Your premium is guaranteed to stay the same for the duration of the term you selected, so you know exactly what you’re going to be paying every month. If you pass away within the term period, your insurance amount would be paid out to the beneficiary you designated.

Affordable Term Life Insurance Purchase

This kind of life insurance isn’t for everyone, but for those who have a need for temporary insurance protection or need insurance on a limited budget then it could be the right thing for you. Business owners may also consider purchasing this kind of insurance to cover employees until they retire, or for a set number of years. For younger individuals or couples they may also wish to purchase term life insurance when they purchase their first home to cover their newfound financial responsibilities.

In addition to providing some security for the uncertain future, should your policy need to be paid out to your designated beneficiaries the payout amount is free of income tax for your beneficiaries.

What happens if I outlive my term?

It is very likely that the longest term available will not be long enough to cover you for the remainder of your life. If this is the case for you, then you will have the option to renew your insurance when the term is over. Typically the premium will be higher, but you will still be given the option to renew. At each renewal time, your insurer likely will not ask for any medical information as you have been previously ensured but you could be asked for it if you want to change your coverage or type of insurance. We will be able to provide you with all the information you need to consider your options.

Do I have other options?

With us you can choose from level term insurance, increasing or decreasing term insurance. When you need the coverage amount to remain the same over the term period, choosing level term insurance is helpful because you know what the guaranteed amount is for a specific amount of time. If the amount of coverage you’ll need over the term is either going to increase or decrease then you’ll want to make sure your needs are addressed when you enroll in the policy. No matter what your needs are, we know life insurance. We are here to help residents make sure they are comfortable with their coverage and are aware of all their options. Don’t leave anything to chance – Get to know the best term life insurance quote. Come to talk to us today so you know you’re covered

Call Davinder Singh Chawla 416-320-4614

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